Improv 101: Enclosures And Approach Notes
  • Improv 101: Enclosures And Approach Notes

Improv 101: Enclosures And Approach Notes

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In this 3 hour video course, Ben presents a system of improvisation based on chord tone enclosures and approach notes. Using ideas of tension and release, this system provides a method of honestly and effectively dealing with all the main chord types we come across in Jazz, demonstrating in detail how to create melodic and compelling solos without

In this 3 hour video course, Ben presents a system of improvisation based on chord tone enclosures and approach notes. Using ideas of tension and release, this system provides a method of honestly and effectively dealing with all the main chord types we come across in Jazz, demonstrating in detail how to create melodic and compelling solos without memorizing endless scales or modes. Complete with full chorus examples of solos over popular Jazz progressions, Ben takes you through the use of these approach-note ideas step-by-step, detailing his thought process at every point, and demonstrating how you can construct hip and varied melodic lines of your own, all for less than the cost of one lesson. 'Enclosures like these are how I first learned to improvise back when I was first taking Jazz lessons in high school, and I still used ideas, phrases and concepts from this system in every single solo that I play.' - Ben

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